Your terms and conditions of use

Terms of trade

All prices given in an internet shop CHOPPERS-SHOP are stated with value added tax.

Terms of trade

* Every customer who wants to order goods via our electronic shop is obliged to provide true and complete information.

* Our staff controls accuracy and completeness of all data provided. Dispatch of goods can be refused in case a customer does not answer a confirmation email or does not answer a phone call on a given phone number.

* By ordering goods and services a customer enters into a contract with our company Choppers-shop with the seat address Lidická 477, 252 63 Roztoky, Czech Republic.

Order and enter into a contract of purchase.

* All orders made through this internet shop are binding. By placing an order, a customer confirms that he/she is aware of the terms of trade including complaint rules and accepts them.

* Order is a draft contract of purchase. Contract of purchase is created at the moment of receiving an ordered goods by a purchaser.

* Electronic order is valid provided a customer fills in all data and requirements prescribed by the form.

* Place of goods delivery is an address stated by a purchaser in a registration form.

* Property rights to goods passes to a purchaser by their receiving, provided a purchaser pays their purchase price.

* By filling in a registration form or a binding order in terms of an internet shop, a purchaser gives his/her approval to a seller to collect and file personal data about a purchaser and his/her purchases.

* Prices given in a price list are final.

Seller stipulates the right to decline order execution if order data are not complete or raise doubts about the real intention of a customer to order goods. Seller shall send information concerning such decline to an email address of a customer.

Withdrawal from a contract of sale (goods reclaim)

Purchaser has the right under paragraph 6, amendment of Civil Code No.367/2000 to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of the goods receiving. The condition is purchase of goods as a physical entity (not for IČO – identification number of the company). If you decide to withdraw from the contract within above stated period, contact us (by mail or phone) and inform us about your intention, state the number of your order, variable symbol and date of your purchase. Send us back undamaged goods with no marks of use and wear, in original packaging within given term (date of dispatch is major.) After receiving returned goods, a seller by return shall pay the corresponding amount of money back to a customer or change the goods for a particular size if agreed in advance. A purchaser is obliged to pay all dispatch costs.

Collecting goods, term of delivery, postage

We send ordered goods by Czech post (approx.14 working days, payment in advance via PayPal) With an order of the goods over €160.00 (without postage) you get shipment to all EU countries completely free!!!

Payment for goods

It is possible to pay the goods via PayPal or by arrangement via international bank transfer within EU.

Goods reclaim

Guarantee period for production defects is 24 months for all products.

Send goods insured and by registered mail, we are not responsible for a possible loss on the way. Do not send the goods c.o.d.

Removable defects

Removable defects are such defects, that appearance, function and quality of products is not affected by their remove and repair can be made duly within stated period. Period for defect removal cannot exceed 30 calendar days, or longer period if agreed otherwise. Seller has the right to assess a defect. Seller is bound to put the goods into the state corresponding contract of purchase free of charge and without unreasonable delay according to the demands of a purchaser by repair or by changing the goods if repair is not possible. If such procedure is not possible, purchaser can require proper discount or he/she can withdraw from the contract. If it is a removable defect of already used or worn goods, purchaser has the right to require only free, timely and proper repair of defect, whereas seller has the duty to remove defect without unreasonable delay. Period from claiming the complaint till the period, when a purchaser is bound to collect the goods after the repair is not included into a guarantee period.

Settlement of disputes

Disputes on the basis of complaint procedure are adjudicated by the court of the Czech Republic.

Privacy policy

We require customers to fill in all particular information in order form, it serves mainly as a contact for goods delivery or services or payment of a particular amount. Information enables to contact a customer in case of any problems with goods delivery. Server provider is a sole proprietor of information acquired on this server. This information is not and shall not be sold, hired or shared otherwise with other subjects.

Final provisions

* Terms of contract are effective and come into force as amended on websites of a seller on the day of sending an electronic order by a purchaser.

* Purchaser agrees with all regulations of contract terms without exception as amended by sending an electronic order and at the same time he/she agrees with the price of ordered goods including shipment and postage stated in a catalogue of our internet shop, if not agreed provably otherwise. Purchaser is bound irrevocably by sending his/her order.

* Cancellation of an order is possible for every purchaser without consent of a seller to maximum 24 hours from the order, or later if a seller exceeds term of delivery confirmed in a written form. In other cases it is necessary to agree with a seller.

* Participants agreed explicitly in accordance with article § 262 paragraph 1 of Commercial Code that if not stated otherwise, their rights and duties abide by Commercial Code of the Czech Republic, mainly by § 409